Oklahoma Man Pleads Guilty In Bizarre Case Involving Home Surgery

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An Oklahoma man will avoid a jury trial after pleading guilty in a bizarre crime involving home surgery, castration, and accusations of cannibalism.

Thomas Evans Gates III, 43, pleaded guilty on charges of failure to bury a dead human member, possession of controlled dangerous substance (psychedelic mushrooms), and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia on August 2, KFOR reported.

Gates and his husband Bobby Lee Allen, 54, were accused of multiple felonies after a 28-year-old man from Virginia told authorities the two castrated him in cabin near Wister, Oklahoma, in October 12, 2020.

The man caught the authorities' attention after he showed up bleeding at hospital in McAlester, and that's when the crime came to light. He said it started when he was searching the internet about castrations when he found and contacted Allen.

Allen allegedly agreed to remove the man's testicles for free and said that he had more than 15 years experience doing the surgery. The man flew from Virginia to Dallas, Texas, where he met Allen and the two traveled to Oklahoma.

The surgery took place on a table at Allen's home while the man was awake and under local anesthetic. The man told medical personnel in McAlester that Allen and Gates "tried to get him to participate in cannibalism" after the surgery, the Oklahoman reported.

"After the surgery was over that Allen said that he was going to consume the parts and laughed and said that he was a cannibal," according to court records.

Allen and Gates were arrested shortly after the man was taken to the hospital following the botched surgery.

After his guilty plea, Gates also agreed to testify against Allen. In return, the Le Flore County prosecutors agreed to drop felony counts of conspiracy, illegal surgery, and maiming against Gates.

Allen still faces nine criminal charges, including practicing surgery without a license, and assault and battery. His trial is next month while Gates is awaiting sentencing.

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