An email was sent to parents of Piedmont Public Schools students today notifying them that a staff member of the Early Childhood Center has tested positive for COVID-19. The good news is that this staff member has not been inside any of the school's facilities this year though or come in contact with any staff members or students.
The email reads:
Dear Piedmont Public Schools Community,
Piedmont Public Schools is committed to protecting the health and safety of our students, staff, and families. We are also committed to providing clear communication in regards to confirmed, positive COVID-19 cases within our school community.
Piedmont Public School officials were notified Saturday, August 15, that a Piedmont Early Childhood Center staff member tested positive for COVID-19. The COVID-19 positive individual has not been inside any Piedmont School facility this school year and has not come into contact with staff members or students of Piedmont Public Schools. He/she is working directly with district leadership to follow all COVID-19 policies and protocols before returning to work.
We continue to promote best practices in the fight against COVID-19 throughout our school district.