Top Cities With The Most Mosquitos

Photo: Manuel Orero Galan / Moment / Getty Images

As we head into summer, we’ll be spending more time outside to enjoy the season. There’s a lot to love about the warm weather, but we could do without the mosquitoes that come with it. In some parts of the country they’re a bigger problem than others and a new report reveals where those pests are the worst.

Orkin’s annual Top 50 Mosquito Cities list has just come out. So here's where you need to get and use the salt gun

(Click here to see the complete list of 50)

  1. Los Angeles, California
  2. New York, New York
  3. Chicago, Illinois
  4. Dallas, Texas
  5. Atlanta, Georgia
  6. Houston, Texas
  7. Washington, D.C.
  8. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  9. San Francisco, California
  10. Detroit, Michigan

Source: Orkin

So are you tired of swatting the mosquitos away? If you live in one of these cities it's probably why you're doing it.

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