OG&E sent an email to their customers on Saturday asking Oklahomans and residents across the midwest to converse energy due to the extreme weather conditions.
You can read the entire message below:
We hope you're staying warm during these extreme weather conditions. As you may be aware, much of the Midwest is experiencing these frigid temperatures, resulting in an exceptionally high demand for electricity. The Southwest Power Pool has asked electrical utility customers and businesses toreduce their natural gas usage by conserving electricity use. So we'd like to ask for your help, provided you’re able to do so safely.
Electricity customers can take simple conservation steps:
- Set thermostats lower than usual, if health permits
- Avoid using major electric appliances such as stoves, dishwashers and clothes dryers
- Turn off electric lights and appliances that you do not need or are not using
- Businesses should minimize the use of electric lighting and electricity-consuming equipment as much as possible
- Large consumers of electricity should consider shutting down or reducing non-essential production processes
Following these guidelines to reduce the use of electricity will help avoid possible electric power shortages later.
Who is Southwest Power Pool?
SPP is an independent, non-profit organization that manages the bulk power system under rules and regulations of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. SPP does not own or operate generation or transmission facilities. Similar to air traffic controllers who monitor air space, SPP monitors the electric power network to ensure thatelectricity safely and reliably gets to end-use customers in a 14-state region. SPP maintains and implements real-time contingency plans to address emergencies on the electric grid.
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Stay safe,
Your friends at OG&E